Cohort Analysis API



Request Parameters

apiKeystringPublisher’s token
startdatestringStart date (yyyy-MM-dd)
enddatestringEnd date (yyyy-MM-dd)
groupBystringComma seperated values (day, week, month, app, country, source, campaign, adgroup, creative, source_type, test)
appsstringFilters app ids (comma seperated, can be found on Admost Dashboard -> My Apps)
appTypestringFilters app type (Allowed values (“android”,“ios”))
userTypestringFilters user type (Allowed values (“organic”,“paid”))
revenueTypestringFilters revenue type (Allowed values (“adRevenue”,“inAppPurchase”))
countriesstringFilters countries (comma seperated, ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 )
countryInstringDetermines how the values of previous parameter is used, Allowed values (“in”,“notin”), “in” is default
sourcesstringFilters sources (comma seperated)
sourceInstringDetermines how the values of previous parameter is used, Allowed values (“in”,“notin”), “in” is default
campaignsstringFilters campaigns (comma seperated)
adgroupsstringFilters adgroups (comma seperated)
creativesstringFilters creatives (comma seperated)
testsstringFilters A/B tests (comma seperated)
minCohortSizeintegerFilters cohort size which are greater than the value specified
revenueCostRatioDayintegerFilters rows which has day N revenue/cost ratio greater or less than following parameter
revenueCostRatioPercentintegerFilters rows which has day N revenue/cost ratio greater or less than specified %
revenueCostRatioTypeintegerAllowed values(“min”,“max”)
retentionFilterDaystringFilters rows which has day N retention greater or less than following parameter
retentionFilterPercentintegerFilters rows which has day N retention greater or less than specified %
retentionFilterTypestringAllowed values(“min”,“max”)
currencystringCurrency, ISO 4217 alpha-3, Default value USD
showExpectedbooleanAllowed values (true,false)
showAllDaysbooleanAllowed values (true,false)

Request Example

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "apps" : "13236a79-3769-4de0-a8b2-bfedcb2ebc36,32a70329-1971-4934-81fc-c926710fec46",
    "minCohortSize" : 500,
    "showAllDays" : true,
    "countries" : "US,UK"

Response Example

    "rows": [
            "date": "2021-04-01",
            "app": "13236a79-3769-4de0-a8b2-bfedcb2ebc36",
            "user_count": 10,
            "cost": 0.0,
            "ecpi": 0.0,
            "impression_ua": 0,
            "ecpm_ua": 0.0,
            "revenue": 0.4560423169992503,
            "profit": 0.4560423169992503,
            "roi": 0.0,
            "paying_users": 0,
            "days": [
                    "install_count": 10,
                    "arpu": 0.0053,
                    "retention": 100.0,
                    "user_count": 10,
                    "revenue": 0.053355720999409183,
                    "roi": 0.0,
                    "converted": 0,
                    "rv_engagement": 10.0,
                    "int_engagement": 30.0,
                    "rv_imp_over_user": 0.2,
                    "int_imp_over_user": 2.5,
                    "day": 0
                    "install_count": 10,
                    "arpu": 0.0175,
                    "retention": 60.0,
                    "user_count": 6,
                    "revenue": 0.17509613351213407,
                    "roi": 0.0,
                    "converted": 0,
                    "rv_engagement": 16.666666666666668,
                    "int_engagement": 50.0,
                    "rv_imp_over_user": 0.66666666666666663,
                    "int_imp_over_user": 5.666666666666667,
                    "day": 1
                    "install_count": 10,
                    "arpu": 0.0247,
                    "retention": 50.0,
                    "user_count": 5,
                    "revenue": 0.24746051454861129,
                    "roi": 0.0,
                    "converted": 0,
                    "rv_engagement": 20.0,
                    "int_engagement": 60.0,
                    "rv_imp_over_user": 0.4,
                    "int_imp_over_user": 4.0,
                    "day": 2
                    "install_count": 10,
                    "arpu": 0.0273,
                    "retention": 40.0,
                    "user_count": 4,
                    "revenue": 0.272978108058449,
                    "roi": 0.0,
                    "converted": 0,
                    "rv_engagement": 0.0,
                    "int_engagement": 50.0,
                    "rv_imp_over_user": 0.0,
                    "int_imp_over_user": 3.25,
                    "day": 3
            "date": "2021-04-02",
            "app": "32a70329-1971-4934-81fc-c926710fec46",
            "user_count": 9,
            "cost": 0.0,
            "ecpi": 0.0,
            "impression_ua": 0,
            "ecpm_ua": 0.0,
            "revenue": 0.26141788889868828,
            "profit": 0.26141788889868828,
            "roi": 0.0,
            "paying_users": 0,
            "days": [
    "mean": {
        "install": 73,
        "cost": 0.0,
        "ecpi": 0.0,
        "impression_ua": 0,
        "ecpm_ua": 0.0,
        "revenue": 1.6675287341379905,
        "profit": 1.6675287341379905,
        "roi": 0.0,
        "paying_users": 0,
        "days": [
                "install_count": 73,
                "arpu": 0.0058,
                "retention": 100.0,
                "user_count": 73,
                "revenue": 0.41995835787414187,
                "roi": 0.0,
                "converted": 0,
                "rv_engagement": 15.068493150684931,
                "int_engagement": 27.397260273972602,
                "rv_imp_over_user": 1.3561643835616439,
                "int_imp_over_user": 2.7123287671232879,
                "day": 0
                "install_count": 73,
                "arpu": 0.0132,
                "retention": 39.726027397260275,
                "user_count": 29,
                "revenue": 0.962708437683715,
                "roi": 0.0,
                "converted": 0,
                "rv_engagement": 41.379310344827587,
                "int_engagement": 51.724137931034484,
                "rv_imp_over_user": 1.1724137931034482,
                "int_imp_over_user": 7.9655172413793105,
                "day": 1