Server to Server Rewarded Structure

With this integration, you can be sure whether the user is watching a rewarded video or not. In case of watching the rewarded video successfully, a callback is made to the publisher url.

You should active some s2s settings on admost dashboard.

  • Add your endpoint and generate customer s2s verification token.
    • My Apps -> Edit App

      s2sMyAppEnableS2s s2sRewardedEndpointAndVerifier

    • Activate s2s from Rewarded zone

      s2sRewardedZoneEdit S2sZoneEdit

Publisher URL: Callback URL identified by the publisher on admost dashboard.

Publisher Method: You must have the capacity to receive GET request for your endpoint


app_idAdmost application id
app_user_idApplication User ID. ( The ID that is used to identify the users to be rewarded, must be set at SDK side.)
created_atCallback sending time, epoch type.
currencyin-game currency type of the reward (gold, coins…)
rewardin-game reward amount
custom_dataIt’s not required. Query string typed, will be sent url encoded. Custom information that is set when the users watched rewarded video. Must be set with the corresponding method at SDK side android sdk method / ios sdk method
event_idUnique ID generated for callback
networkAd network that showed the ad
verifierRequired for security check, it is a md5 hash of the following
activity_kindAd network activity type. Rewarded

S2S callback verification

  • Calculation of the md5 hash verifier

verifier = md5(app_id + app_user_id + currency + event_id + network + reward + created_at + customer_S2S_Verifier)

customer_S2S_Verifier: The secret token. You can generate token on admost dashboard.

Callback sample

Expected response codes by request from publisher endpoint

400Bad Request. (Shouldn’t retry.)
500Internal Server Error ( Retry again. 10sec. / 1min. / 10min. / 1h / 5h / 24h time intervals)
503Service Unavailable ( Retry again. 10sec. / 1min. / 10min. / 1h / 5h / 24h time intervals)