Ad Revenue

  • We are providing a download link for a file even before it is available. Download the report from the api response when ready.

    • If you are getting 202 http response status when making the request, your request is accepted and proccessing. Please wait a while and try to download the prepared file again.

    • If you are getting 404 http response status when trying to download the file. The file is not prepared yet. Please wait a while and try again.

  • The download file name is generated with appID, date and timestamp

    • :appID:_:date:_:timestamp:.tar.gz
    • Extracted file format: csv
  • Allows only a request per minute per application id

  • By default, when a request is made twice for the same day, it returns the previously created csv file. After 4 hours, the API clear the previously created csv file. So if you want to get a new calculated csv file. you can make a rew request after 4 hours.

  • If you are using attribution partner like Adjust/Appsflyer. You can increase your match score using the attribution_partner parameter. With this parameter you can get attribution partner device id as AttributionPartnerDeviceID in csv file.

  • You can get the admost application id using by Admost Publisher Applications API

Authentication: Bearer Token authentication.

Method: GET


Request Parameters:

app_idstringApplication admost id
attribution_partnerstringOptional. Publisher attribution partner name. values: adjust, appsflyer, airbridge

Request Example URL:{application_id}&date={date}

Response Example URL:

Response Status Codes:

200OK. The request has succeeded. Returns with a link to download the report
400BAD REQUEST. The request must belong to two days before etc.
429TOO MANY REQUESTS. The user has sent too many requests in a given amount of time (“rate limiting”).

Report Column Description

  • The report is generated with columns titles.
UserIDAdmost user id
LaunchedAtUser first session time ( UTC )
CountryUser country
IDFAUser resettable advertising ID found on iOS devices
IDFVVendor ID provided by iOS
GAIDGoogle Advertising ID.
AttributionPartnerDeviceIDA unique ID generated by attribution partner SDK
AdRevenueUser ad revenue
IAPRevenueUser in-app revenue
SessionCountUser session count
SessionLengthUser session length ( second )
InterstitialImpCountNumber of interstitials seen by user
RewardedImpCountNumber of rewarded seen by user
OfferwallImpCountNumber of offerwall seen by user
NativeInterstitialImpCountNumber of native interstitial seen by user
BannerImpCountNumber of banner seen by user
NativeImpCountNumber of native banner seen by user
InterstitialClickCountNumber of total interstitial click by user
RewardedClickCountNumber of total rewarded click by user
OfferwallClickCountNumber of total offer click by user
NativeInterstitialClickCountNumber of total native interstitial click by user
BannerClickCountNumber of banner click by user
NativeClickCountNumber of native click by user
PublisherApplicationUserIDPublisher’s custom user ID/IDs. They are separated with “##” if a publisher sent multiple ids for this user with Admost SDK
InterstitialRevenueUser interstitials Revenue
RewardedRevenueUser rewarded revenue
NativeInterstitialRevenueUser native interstitial revenue
OfferwallRevenueUser offerwall revenue
BannerRevenueUser banner revenue
NativeRevenueUser native revenue
CampaignNetworkCampaign Network name if exists
CampaignNameCampaign name if exists
CampaignAdgroupCampaign adgroup if exists
CampaignCreativeCampaign creative if exists
AppVersionApplication version
AdmostSDKVersionAdmost SDK Version in application
OSVersionUser’s device OS version
DeviceBrandUser’s device brand
DeviceModelUser’s device model
DeviceTypeUser’s device type
UserExperimentGroupUser’s A/B test experiment group name
UserExperimentNameUser’s A/B test experiment name
DataDateRequested data date
ApplicationNameApplication name
PackageNameApplication package name
OSApplication operation name ( android / ios )
AppStoreThe package name of the installer application ( etc.)
AppsetIDVendor ID provided by Android