Frequently asked questions

If you have a question and couldn’t find it here, just send us an email.

  • What is Cocoapods?

    CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Swift and Objective-C Cocoa projects.

    Detailed info.

  • Error Codes

    0 - AMRErrorCodeUnknownError
    500 - AMRErrorCodeServerError - No server response.
    -1 - AMRErrorCodeAdRequestFailed - All placements returned no fill or timeouted.
    1077 - AMRErrorCodeNoPlacementFound - No placements found for zone.
    1078 - AMRErrorCodeFrequencyCappingFilled - Frequency capping is filled for zone.
    1079 - AMRErrorCodeNoInternetConnection - No Internet Connection.
    1081 - AMRErrorCodeTagDisabled - Tag disabled for zone.
    1082 - AMRErrorCodeNoAdPolicyFoundForZone - NoAd Ad policy found for zone.
    1083 - AMRErrorCodeNoAdPolicyFoundForTag - NoAd Ad policy found for tag.
    1084 - AMRErrorCodeFrequencyCappingFilledForTag - Frequency capping is filled for tag.
    1085 - AMRErrorCodeAdNotReady - Ad is not ready to show.
    1086 - AMRErrorCodeInvalidZoneId - Invalid zoneId.
    1088 - AMRErrorCodeInvalidAppId - Invalid appId.